Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent teacher conferences for Rittman MS-HS will take place on Thursday, October 17th from 2:40-8pm.  Once again, we are going to offer different options for our parent teacher conference format to allow for phone conferences or scheduled face to face appointments. We will make all efforts to meet with any parent/guardian who would like a conference with teachers.  Please fill out the form below if you would like to schedule a conference with teachers so we can begin to put a schedule together. If you request a conference we will contact you with details of how and when the conference will take place.  **if you have more than one child at the MS-HS please submit multiple forms**
Click HERE to request a conference. The link will close at the end of the day on Monday, October 14th.   If you would like to request a conference after that date, please call the MS or HS office.